Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Quickly Establishing A Newly Seeded Area In The Spring

You may be eager to establish turf in an area you are renovating and asking yourself, "How do I quickly establish a newly seeded area in the spring?" The chief step in establishing a newly seeded area is a comprehensive preparation of the seedbed.
The method of seedbed preparation will be different, depending on the area you are seeding. The preparation process can be complex if it’s an area on a golf course. Start by rough grading the area and clearing away rocks and existing vegetation. Soil tests should be completed at this time to determine what amendments will be needed. When rough grading is complete, sub-surface drainage and an irrigation system can be installed. The finished seedbed should be uniformly firm, so areas don’t settle and create “bird baths.” These "bird baths" can make it difficult for seed to establish.
The quality of the seed will determine the long-term success of the area. Don’t skimp on quality. At the time of seeding, apply a starter fertilizer. 
Frequently water as needed to keep the top half-inch of the soil constantly moist. However, avoid making puddles. Water at least three times per day until all the seed has germinated and you have mowed several times (up to six weeks). The best times to water are from morning to 2 pm or 3 pm. Do not let the soil dry out in the afternoon sun and heat and do not water in the evening. 
When you are all done and want the seedlings to grow quickly, let us help. Foliar-Pak® Micros Plus enhances density, rooting, and recovery. It's great for turf establishment. 

A recommended program for rapid turf establishment involves applying a two-ounce rate per 1000 square feet on a weekly basis for three weeks. Follow that up with two bi-weekly applications at a two-ounce rate per 1000 square feet. Start the applications when the seedlings are well established, and when it is possible to drive a sprayer across the area without resulting in damage.
Using Foliar-Pak Promote or Foliar-Pak Bio Sea, with the last two applications, will improve the stress tolerance of the newly established turf. Maintaining correct nitrogen and phosphorous levels are important. Foliar-Pak AmperageFoliar-Pak 11-0-11, and Foliar-Pak Armament P will help.

For turfgrass establishment on sports fields and lawns, try Foliar-Pak GROW-IN. It' an all-in-one product that provides a complete turfgrass establishment program with the convenience of one single product. 

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